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Perzische Gemeenschappen voor het Europees Parlement

ENGLISH & PERSIAN BELOW – متن پارسی در زیر

Perzische Gemeenschappen voor het Europees Parlement - 8 mei 2014

PDN – Op donderdag 8 mei 2014 verzamelden zich ongeveer 100 verbannen Perzen zich voor het Europees Parlement. Ze uitten hun woede over de toenemende mensenrechtenschendingen in Perzië (Iran).

De demonstranten reisden vanuit verschillende Europese landen naar Brussel, inclusief Nederland. Tijdens de demonstratie waardeerde vice-voorzitter van het Europees Parlement Isabelle Durant hun aanwezigheid en zei: “Jullie houden het Europees parlement in contact met de Iraanse Gemeenschap in Europa.” Ze voegde toe dat ze in haar reis naar Teheran in december 2013 met Iraanse overheden had gesproken over de mensenrechtensituatie in het land maar dat zij veel van haar punten niet hadden aanvaard. “Maar we hebben namens jullie de zaken genoemd”, benadrukte Durant.

De demonstratie voor het Europees Parlement werd georganiseerd door “Iran’s Human Rights Solidarity Network” (Het Iraanse Mensenrechten Solidariteit Netwerk). Persian Dutch Network heeft twee video’s van de bijeenkomst uitgebracht.

(Met dank aan Ben Burgers, Manouchehr Yazdian, Siamak Farid and Hossein Aghvami)

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PDN – Thursday, 8 May 2014 around 100 exiled Persians were gathered in front of European Parliament in Brussels. They expressed their anger because of increasing number of human rights violations in Persia (Iran).

The protesters had been traveled to Belgium from various European countries including the Netherlands. During the demonstration Isabelle Durant, EU vice president, appreciated their presence and said “You are keeping EU Parliament in contact with the Iranian Community in Europe.” She also said, in her December 2013 trip to Tehran she has talked to Iranian authorities about human rights situation in the country but they have not accepted many parts of her points. “But we talked to them on your behalf!” Durant emphasized.

Bahman Amini, recites a poetry for political prisoners in Iran | Photo: Persian Dutch Network
Bahman Amini, recites a poetry for political prisoners in Iran | Photo: Persian Dutch Network

Monireh Baradaran (political prisoners in 1980s), Reza Alijani (political activist), Bahman Amini (a member of “Iran’s Human Rights Solidarity Network) and Anwar Mir Sattari (president of EuroPerse Foundation) and Vincent Lurquin (Hamid Babaei’s lawyer) were among the other speakers.

Hamid Babaei is a PhD student at Liège University in Belgium who was arrested by Iranian authorities in summer 2014 during his vacation to Tehran. According to Amnesty International Babaei’s accusation is “acting against national security by communicating with hostile governments”. Vincent Lurquin during the demonstration said, he is ready to travel to Iran to defend Hamid. “We should not be afraid of human rights violators”, Lurquin emphasized.

Hamid Babaei's friends and university mates in 8 May Demonstration in Brussels
Hamid Babaei’s friends and university mates in 8 May Demonstration in Brussels

Demonstration in front of EU Parliament had been organized by “Iran’s Human Rights Solidarity Network”. Persian Dutch Network has released two videos from the gathering.

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ایرانیان از آلمان، بلژیک، فرانسه و هلند در یک روز شدیدا بارانی در برابر پارلمان اروپا گردآمدند تا اعتراض خود را به ادامه نقض گسترده حقوق بشر در ایران ابراز کنند. این حرکت به کوشش “کمیته همبستگی برای حقوق بشر در ایران” و در پایتخت بلژیک برگزار شد. حدود یکصد نفر در گردهمایی شرکت کردند. ایزابل دوران، معاون پارلمان اروپا نیز برای مردم سخنرانی کرد و از آمدن ایرانیان از راه های دور به بروکسل برای این تظاهرات قدردانی کرد. مجموعه عکس ها و ویدئوهای گردهمایی را می توانید در بالا ببینید.ا

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گالری عکس تظاهرات در تارنمای بخش پارسی بی.بی.سی
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