Nederlandse Versie Onder – متن پارسی در زیر
Since last week, the Persian Dutch Network has received messages from Iranian students in The Netherlands. They are worried for their residency and studies. The students are surprised that they have been targeted for sanctioning rather than the Iranian government.
A 27-year-old Persian student from Eindhoven writes to PDN: “My educational background and current activity/role is really far away from the nuclear energy improvement process. But still the Dutch government does not distinguish among cases and keeps all Iranian cases who applied for study/work/extension on hold. Why?? Because in other parts of the world some idiots may misuse nuclear energy…where are HUMAN RIGHTS”?
The IND spokesperson told the Persian Dutch Network, “We just follow the EU regulations and if anyone is going to make a complaint they should address the European Commission or the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs…Iranians are welcome in The Netherlands, but they but they need to meet the EU regulations”.
Persian Dutch Network ontvangt al een week signalen van verontruste Iraanse studenten in Nederland. Ze zijn bezorgd over hun verblijfsstatus en opleiding in dit land, en zijn verbaasd dat zij nu geraakt worden door de sancties, in plaats van de Iraanse regering., zij nu geraakt worden.
Een 27-jarige Perzische student zegt tegen PDN: “My educational background and current activity/role is really far away from the nuclear energy improvement process. But still the Dutch government does not distinguish among cases and keeps all Iranian cases who applied for study/work/extension on hold. Why?? Because in other parts of the world some idiots may misuse nuclear energy…where are HUMAN RIGHTS”?”
“We doen niets anders dan EU-richtlijnen opvolgen. Als iemand een hierover een klacht heeft, dan moet die bij de Europese Commissie of het Nederlandse Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken zijn”, aldus de IND tegen Persian Dutch Network. “Iraniërs zijn welkom in Nederland, maar ook zij moeten voldoen aan EU-regels.”
: Perzische Versie –
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