“Bahá’ís in Iran” : Discussie in Den Haag

English & Persian Text Below – متن پارسی در زیر

Bahai Begraafplaats vernield door extremisten in Iran
Bahai Begraafplaats vernield door extremisten in Perzië

PDN – Op 14 mei 2014 zal in Den Haag een discussie over de situatie van Bahá’ís  in Iran georganiseerd worden.

De bijeenkomst wordt gesteund door het “Nationaal Bahá'í-centrum” in Museum de Gevangenpoort. De taal van de bijeenkomst is Engels.

Meer informatie in onderstaand persbericht in het Engels.

Het bahaigeloof is een monotheïstische religie die in de negentiende eeuw gesticht is door Bahá'u'lláh in Perzië (Iran) die de geestelijke eenheid van de mensheid benadrukt.

Sinds de Islamitische Revolutie van 1979 zijn Perzische bahá'ís regelmatig doelwit geweest van uitsluiting van hoger onderwijs en banen bij de overheid, plunderingen, en enkele honderden hebben gevangenisstraffen ontvangen voor hun religieuze overtuiging, het meest recent voor de deelname aan leerkringen.

– Het is niet mogelijk om te registreren. Het programma is volgeboekt.

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“Baha'is in Iran”: a Discussion Session in The Hague

In the Netherlands, the Baha’i community is sponsoring an “interactive debate” on human rights in Iran at the famous Prison Gate Museum as part of its observance of the Five Years Too Many campaign.

The event will take place at Prison Gate Museum in The Hague.
The event will take place at Prison Gate Museum in The Hague.

The event will be held 14 May and will feature participation by several prominent specialists with knowledge of the Middle East and human rights.
Speakers include Gilles Plug, the director of the North Africa and Middle Eastern department at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He will address the topic: “What does the Netherlands do to promote the protection of human rights in Iran?”

Bernadette Ficq, an asylum attorney with Lawyers for Lawyers, will discuss legal processes in Iran and the risks faced by human rights defenders when they represent prisoners of conscience, such as the seven Baha’i leaders.

Shirin Milani, a criminal court judge in the Province of Overijssel, will discuss how Iranian Baha’is are persecuted across all ages and professions, “from cradle to grave.”

The event will also feature a video message from Nico Schrijver. Dr. Schrijver is a member of the Senate of the Netherlands, and vice-chairperson of the Geneva-based UN Committee for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

The event will begin with a reception at 15:30. The program is scheduled to run from 16:00 to 17:00.

The Prison Gate Museum is located at Buitenhof 33. The medieval building, located in the heart of The Hague, once housed some of Holland’s most notorious prisoners – and was infamous for its use of torture. Today the museum strives to reflect the transition to modern justice in the Netherlands.

For more information, contact the Office of External Affairs of the Baha’i community of NL.
The Event is fully booked.

The Persian-Dutch filmmaker Reza Allamehzah made a documentary film about the situation of Bahai's in Iran which was premiered in Holland in 2012. Watch the report from the event by Radio Zamaneh's Pejman Akbarzadeh
Highlights of the Conference (Video: Persian Dutch Network)


نشستی برای بررسی شرایط بهاییان ایران در لاهه

 چهاردهم می، برنامه‌ای درباره وضعیت بهاییان در ایران در لاهه برگزار می‌شود. این برنامه با پشتیبانی مرکز ملی بهاییان هلند در موزه “دروازه زندان” در لاهه سازماندهی شده است .ا
در این نشست، شیرین میلانی درباره “آزار بهاییان در ایران در سنین و مشاغل گوناگون” سخنرانی خواهد کرد و برناتت فیسک به سیستم قضایی ایران و مشکلاتی که وکیلان برای دفاع از قربانیان نقض حقوق بشر با آن مواجه می‌شوند خواهد پرداخت. خیلس پلوخ، مدیر بخش خاورمیانه و شمال آفریقای وزارت خارجه هلند نیز درباره نقش هلند در مسایل حقوق بشر در ایران سخنرانی خواهد کرد. ا
برنامه که به زبان انگلیسی خواهد بود ا
به روز رسانی خبر: گنجایش تالار تکمیل شده است
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